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A free training event – Integrating minimax algorithm to a simple React-based tictactoe game (NP-complete -like problem)

This is our third week of the free training events. We started with three sessions of the basics of Haskell on week 11 and continued with another three session on React programming on week 12.  

During the last week’s online React programming training sessions (23.3., 25.3 and 27.3.2020) a simple tic-tac-toe game was created with the participants and we did not quite get to finish it up and could not get a simple artificial intelligence in place. On Thursday 2nd of April 2020 we will continue our work on a simple React application by adding some AI.

The discussion on integrating the algorithm to the game is in Finnish, but English speaking participants are welcome as we pay a great deal attention to how the code itself works. We should be able to do this stint within an hour or so.

The session will be recorded and made public after the training session. Nauhoitamme opetustuokion ja laitamme videon kaikille jakoon ja lähdekoodit githubiin julkisesti. Näin jokainen voi palata aiheeseen vielä kurssin jälkeenkin.

Please register here:

Everyone is welcome, though there is a maximum of 50 seats.


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